Forty years is a precious block of time
Filled with many moments, both humble and sublime
I remember how it all began……
Mema and Bopa watched from the breezeway as we drove away
“She’s got a lot of grit”, I heard my dad say.
I took strength from his words and hoped he was right
As Gene and I set out on that crisp autumn night.
Our baby was coming, a life born of our love
We prayed God to watch over the child from above
Making him healthy and blessing his life
Protecting him always from danger and strife.
At 7:54 on the following morn
At Emanuel Hospital, Michael Patrick was born.
Bright shining eyes looked up at me
The most beautiful babe you ever did see.
When we showed Scott his new brother, he kissed his cheek,
But the smile he wore was a little weak.
After all he was only two and couldn’t know
That this baby brother would one day grow
Making childhood happy, their lives a good blend
And that one day they would be each other’s best friend.
“Benji, Benji, what you doing Benji?
Are you going up and down?
Are you going round and round?”
Michael made up this song when he was about 4 years old
An imaginative child, Michael was creative in play
If Scott and John ignored him, he just went his own way.
“Watch”, my dad observed, “See what happens now”
Soon Scott and John had left their play
To watch Michael dig with a trowel
Or build a tower out of sticks or take apart a toy to fix.
As student, scout, or altar boy, Michael always did his best
Earning many honors and passing every test.
He had an inner strength that still is his today
Empowering him to set a course and hold it all the way.
Michael’s future was decided one August day
When he stepped on a nail that went in all the way
Two months Michael lay in a hospital bed
As nurses looked worried and the doc shook his head
A specialist was called to see what he could do
After several days of trial, he made a break through
Ordering a new drug and round-the-clock IV
And surgery to clean the bone, Mike’s foot was finally free
Of the awful bug that had caused us all to moan
How blessed the day, when we brought Michael home!
Carpentry class was out, drafting class was in
And so Michael set out on the path before him
Combining his skill with computers and creative design
A career as an Architect suited him fine.
He completed his studies at PSU and UVA
When he earned his Master’s, we all cheered “hooray!”
Michael is not only a master of architectural design
Whatever he creates always is “fine”.
Second best will just never do
It has to be “perfect” before he is through.
Handsome and strong, Mike’s hugs are the best
Now he and Elizabeth have made a nice nest
Filled with love, dogs and guinea pigs too
They hope to know joy all their days through.
That is also my hope, and mother’s prayer
And that God will keep my son always safe in his care.