Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Star Power

When “stars” shine down on the lake and tree
Sometimes I think I almost can see
The “star” that shone over Bethlehem long ago
Lighting the way to where we should go.

Now that’s just plain crazy you say
You can’t see” that star”, there’s just no way!
It was over 2,000 years ago
Whatever you see, it’s not its glow!

True, years have past, but “stars” don’t disappear,
They travel around year after year
Somewhere in space is the “Bethlehem Star”
Gliding through galaxies, sending light from afar
So there’s a chance on some “starry” night
You could look up and see the very same light
That shone on the stable and lit up the sky
When the Christ Child was born,
On that day long gone by.

And the very same power that lights up the “stars”
Is not far away, it also is ours
It gives life to our planet….the leaf on the tree…
The bird at your window, and yes, you and me.

God’s truth and love flow in the Light
Bringing Joy to the world, making all bright
Sending Peace to settle deep in our soul
Binding our wounds and making us whole.

The Light that led shepherds and kings
on that “starry” night……..
Beckons us still to do that which is right…..
To care for each other and try to be kind…..
And be not so quick to tell what’s on our mind
But take time to listen and try to forgive
So the Spirit of Christ may be seen still to live.

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