Monday, August 27, 2007

Mountains and Molehills

Now we don't mean to give you a fright
But there's something about your mammogram that doesn't look right.
Probably nothing, but you never can tell
There is also a chance you may not be well.

SO if you could manage to come over today about 2:00
We'd like to take another look at you.
It might take a while so they can check everything out
Maybe an ultrasound will tell what it's about.

So that's how it happens, I thought
A call on the phone, and you know you've been caught.

I examined my boobs, pressed here and there
But I was unable to feel a lump anywhere.
Still the radiologist wanted to take a new look
Like a fish on the line, I squirmed on the hook.

My mother once said,
"Something will get you and then you'll be dead!"
Was this something being carried in my 38C,
Just getting ready to get rid of me?

My life flashed before me, years quickly spent
But as to their passing, I have no lament.
I've experienced the wonder of living
A miracle true, that allowed me to "be"
And to know God and you.

As the technician placed my left boob in the slammer
I was oddly calm, my heart didn't hammer.
She took several poses, close-ups, too
Then checked her computer making sure she had the right view.

"One more", she said. Covering a small mole with a patch,
She secured my left boob, with a swift hard latch.

"It may take a few moments. You can read if you wish."
I could not read. I could only stare.
In such moments I'm not good at prayer.
I figure God knows,
so it's not up to me to tell him how the wind blows.

The technician came back with smile.
"It was as I suspected all the while.
Finding problems is the mammogram's goal
But in your case, what it found was a mole."

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