Round and round, from sun to snow.
Not only years, but cycles too
The babe, the child, the woman full grown
In which cycle am I? I try not to moan!
For those who shared my last springtime
You know it was great!
Doing things silly, sometimes a bit wild
Enjoying the moment, while around us love smiled.
Then summer came on and sped by fast
Now that autumn is here, I hope it will last.
For winter is coming, with cold winds and ice
What can I do to make that season nice?
I will keep logs on my fire and candles burning bright
So no chill can catch me or darkness cloud my sight.
And an apple pie baking in the oven--so sweet smells fill the air
Then invite friends to come over to sit down and share.
I will listen to guitars and turn on all the lights
Reading tales with happy endings way into the night.
Still when my seasons end, I wonder where I’ll be?
On some sunny shore,
with those I knew before—
Or like an atom on the wind, my course may be set afar
Traveling through time to some distant shining star.
Surely it is possible there are wonders yet to see
Or maybe this little ditty will be all that’s left of me.
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